The book of Proverbs contains God’s divine wisdom, covering a variety of topics for every area of life.
- Purpose and theme of Proverbs. (1:1-6)
- Wisdom and folly contrasted. (1:7–9:18)
- Proverbs of Solomon. (10:1–24:34)
- Proverbs of Solomon collected by King Hezekiah’s men. (25:1–29:27)
- Sayings of Agur. (30:1-33)
- Sayings of King Lemuel. (31:1-31)
Author: Principally King Solomon, but Agur, King Lemuel, and others made contributions.
Date Written: Between 1000 and 700 b.c. However, the majority of the proverbs were written by Solomon by 931 b.c. (The book was not edited into its present-day form until some years later.)
Time Span: Unknown, but primarily during the years of Solomon’s life.
Title: The Hebrew title of this book means “Proverbs of Solomon.”
Background: Solomon succeeds his father, David, to rule as king of Israel. After asking God for wisdom, Solomon is so blessed that people come from far away to learn from him. This collection of wise sayings is a part of these teachings. The book of Proverbs is a collection of roughly one-fourth of the 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs attributed to Solomon.
Where Written: Probably Judah.
To Whom: Primarily to young people.
Content: Proverbs is an assortment of wise sayings relating spiritual truths and common sense. These proverbs give instruction concerning every conceivable area of human life, often contrasting the ungodly view of the fool versus the godly perspective of the wise. These truths give counsel that helps both to prevent and to correct ungodly lifestyles. Proverbs are practical, timeless, and ideal for memorizing. The book ends with a close look at the qualities of a godly woman in relation to her husband, her children, and her neighbors (ch. 31).
Key Words: “Wisdom”; “Folly.”
The ability to live with practical righteousness is scrutinized. This “wisdom” helps us to discern between good and evil, truth and error, and divine and human perspectives. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (9:10), “but the folly of fools is deceit” (14:8).
Themes: • True wisdom cannot be gained apart from God. • God is concerned that we submit even seemingly insignificant areas of our lives to His lordship. • We should not rely on our own understanding, but on the truths that God teaches us. • God will direct our paths. • Godly success in life comes from obedience to the Word and ways of God. • God desires for us to be happy. • God has made happiness available to us if we will only fear, trust, and obey Him.
Course Description
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Who this course is for
- Anyone interested in learning about business (only practical concepts that you can use and no boring theory + we won’t cover business topics that are common sense).