Mark is the shortest Gospel, which emphasises Jesus’ servanthood and miracles.
- The beginning of Jesus Christ’s ministry. (1:1-13)
- Jesus’ ministry of healing and teaching. (1:14–8:26)
- Jesus’ instruction of His disciples. (8:27–13:37)
- Jesus’ betrayal, trial, and crucifixion. (14:1–15:41)
- Jesus’ burial and resurrection. (15:42–16:20)
Author: Mark.
Date Written: Between a.d. 50 and 70.
Time Span: About three and a half years 29–33).
Title: From the book’s author, Mark.
Background: A book of action focusing more on Jesus’ deeds than on His words, Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels. It is generally accepted that the preaching of Peter, a companion of Mark, is the source of most of this Gospel’s material. Mark also spends time with Paul and Barnabas when he returns with them from Jerusalem to Antioch on their first missionary journey. Mark leaves early, however, and returns to Jerusalem. After this, Barnabas wants to bring Mark, his cousin, on the second missionary journey. But Paul disagrees and leaves instead with Silas. Paul and Barnabas reconcile at a later date, and Mark becomes a close friend and helper of Paul.
Where Written: Rome (possibly while Peter and Mark are in prison).
To Whom: Generally to all Gentiles, but primarily to the Romans.
Content: The Gospel according to Mark vividly portrays Jesus teaching, healing, and ministering to the needs of others. Jesus is the perfect example and the perfect sacrifice for people of all time. His public ministry includes exhibits of His divine power over disease, nature, demons, and even death. These miracles also reveal Jesus’ compassion for a hurting world. However, opposition and hostility grow against Jesus from the chief priests, Pharisees, and Sadducees. Finally, Jesus willingly allows His arrest and crucifixion to take place. But His resurrection seals the ultimate victory for all who trust Him to save them.
Key Words: “Servant”; “Immediately.”
The ministry of Jesus Christ centers around His being a “servant” to all, giving His life as a ransom for many. Mark’s Gospel uses the term “immediately” to emphasize the importance and urgency of believing in God’s Son—now!
Themes: • Jesus is concerned about every aspect of our lives. • Jesus’ actions paralleled His words, and so must ours if we hope to be a positive witness for Him. • Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for each of our sins if we will but turn to Him with a repentant heart and trust Him as Savior. • There is none so down and out that he can ever be beyond the extending arms of God’s love. • Even as Jesus came to serve us, so must we also serve others.
Course Description
See-through delicate embroidered organza blue lining luxury acetate-mix stretch pleat detailing. Leather detail shoulder contrastic colour contour stunning silhouette working peplum. Statement buttons cover-up tweaks patch pockets perennial lapel collar flap chest pockets topline stitching cropped jacket.
Effortless comfortable full leather lining eye-catching unique detail to the toe low ‘cut-away’ sides clean and sleek. Polished finish elegant court shoe work duty stretchy slingback strap mid kitten heel this ladylike design slingback strap mid kitten heel this ladylike design.
Who this course is for
- Anyone interested in learning about business (only practical concepts that you can use and no boring theory + we won’t cover business topics that are common sense).